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The World Is Changing

Writer's picture: Yvette Martin-BrowneYvette Martin-Browne

The world as we once knew is changing, we as human beings are changing, some say it is for the good, others say there is no hope. Right now, it is nothing but chaos, but that is what it is supposed to be right? When you are fighting for your liberation, to be recognized as the people, the human beings. Things are so up in the air it is hard not to get sucked up into the illusion, and this is what is happening to a lot of people, the illusion sucking up the souls of people, while others are liberating themselves and protecting their spirit. 


 Still it is hard not to become hateful, of all of what is going on, there are so many truths coming out, yet still so many lies, are you going left or are you going right, what about looking forward? What about looking ahead? What about staying on the road and walking straight forward and never mind the right or left? 

This is what the world has become now, choose your fate or it will be decided for you, that the only road that exists is right or left? What the hell is that? What if someone did not want to choose either left or right and wanted to choose to keep walking forward? This is the newest of illusions, right side or left side, the distraction of both is illuminating if one is brave enough to see through all the bullshit.

We are on the verge of extinction and our great mother has had enough of all this, this radiation that we create is killing everything, including ourselves. What is it going to take for humanity to start to see the truth, what is it going to take for humanity to care for something else besides their own ego?

 Time waits for no one, sure there is the awakening going on, but the earth is not waiting for that either, she is changing, and we must change with her. So much illusion, I guess this is what the crossroads look like, people trying to decide which road to take. It is a very confusing time for people that is for sure, but there are those that are not confused between fact and fiction, there are those that are dying trying to tell humanity the truth, and there are those that want to stay ignorant and arrogant, maybe we should stop trying and focus on what the issues are and stay on that road pushing forward.

I have learned that the bridges have burned down and that there is nothing to turn back to, either we go left or right. That is a personal choice, but I, myself refuse to be distracted by anything or anyone. I choose to keep going straight, after all I am the only one that is responsible for the choices I make and the road that is chosen for me to take. I have learned recently from a dear friend, to protect my spirit, I thought about what he said and that is what I must do while walking the road, not to be distracted by the chaos that is going on around me.

The world as we once knew is changing, and I have no fear of these changes and the changes to come, I see my dear loved ones rising and there cannot be any greater joy than to be of witness to this and yes they will struggle for a little while but I know in my heart that freedom is around the corner and I pray to the Creator that I live long enough to see this happen.

 We as human beings I feel must keep pushing forward and never mind this tug of war between left and right. This is not the position that was set out for us, our purpose and mission here on earth is much greater than that. We have a sense of responsibility to get in line with our mother, with our creator, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. We have a responsibility not to fall for anymore bullshit again, we have come too far and deep down we know what the truth is, we choose to fear it or to embrace it. 

The world we once knew is changing and this alone means something, this is greater than us, and we must be greater than ourselves, and raise our vibrations until it cannot be risen no more, we have one shot to get it right this time, not for ourselves but for our children and the children that are not even born yet. We are only here for a few winters and then you go back to the sky world, it is what we do with the time that we have that matters.

  It seems we are going backwards instead of going forward and dealing with the issues we are facing. It seems that all the information that people fought and died for went straight out the window. The age of information which was supposed to help the people see the truth about the world that we have been living in has gone right out the window; means nothing anymore. Once again, we are allowing the governments dictate to us how we are to behave, controlling and spying and watching every move we make.

Why won’t the people listen? They are too busy being controlled by the media’s bullshit once again and once again they are winning. That does not surprise me any really, I mean this is what humanity has always done right? Cannot figure out how to think for themselves and allow these psychopaths to continue what they have been doing. While there are people that are awake and are facing genocide everyday, trying to tell the world the truth about what is really going on, but again the masses refuse to listen.

What will it take for humanity to fucking listen, maybe when the microchips roll out, or maybe when their children are being forced into cages, maybe when the earth as had enough of all this crap, she might consider doing another Atlantis, yes maybe then everyone will begin to listen.

Distractions are everywhere, right at our front doors, and still people live in fear of what the media tells you, hanging onto every disgusting word they spew. I do not understand how we went from almost bringing down the governments to complying with everything they are setting up for us. Our children are the ones that are paying the price for this, do you know where your children are? When will humanity care about them, maybe when the children are all gone and the government decides that you are not allowed to produce anymore children, maybe then?

I do not pretend to know the answer, but what I do know is that there is something very wrong with this picture here. Are we that easily seduced, manipulated, haven’t we come far from that? Sure, the hell does not look like it to me. There are human beings that are fighting for their way of life, for their children’s future, and for the children that are not even born yet. While the rest are creating such havoc that not even themselves knows what the hell they are even doing.

I guess this is the great divide, between those that are awake and those that choose to sleep, and those that choose to stay ignorant, in all honesty you all should be more concerned about those people, than what is being said in the media. I would like to think that we have become more united, but each day that passes it seems that we are being further divided, those are on the left and those are on the right, that is not being united, that is straight division.

This is what the state of fear looks like, this is exactly what the elites and their coons planned to do, and this is what so many people that have fought and died to get this truth out, we celebrate remembrance day and yet we forget the real heroes that have fought and died telling the damn truth, those that truly fought and died for our freedoms, and those that are fighting the governments every single day, that is a remembrance we do not celebrate, those that fight for this planet, for water, for air, those that fight for the right to live. Those are the true hero’s and yet, every year we celebrate invasion, genocide, ethic cleansing government created wars for profit.

We pretend to weep for the war torn children, pretend because I still am not seeing any kind of movements that surrounds our youth, I do not see anyone stomping the grounds for the missing and murdered. I guess it is true when I say that ignorance is bliss. Those that stay silent are just as guilty as those committing crimes against humanity and the planet, that is the way I see it.

The world we once knew is gone, yesterday's news, today we decide what we are going to do with the mess we are in, today we decide the fates not just of our own lives but the lives of all of our children. Today the sun could rise and that could be the end of this colonial demonic plague, today could be the day where we as a collective will become the stewardess of our own bloody destiny.

Or today could be raining and all hell breaks loose and we lose everything that is sacred including ourselves and our children will have to pay and we will have no one to blame but ourselves, I have one freaking question; What road do you choose to walk? That is the crossroads and there is no left and right or going backwards. Stop with this illusion and figure it out because time is not on our side and time waits for no one to wake the hell up.

   This world seems to be so harsh, with all the mass destruction that has been happening around the world. It is hard to see all the suffering and hatred and fear that is being manifested, this energy is harming not only humanity but for all life that lives here. Letting go of this world is not easy, choosing to walk a different path is not an easy decision to make, fear. I say people fear to take chances because they are so afraid of the unknown, but what is the unknown really? It is everything we are taught to fear, fear of ourselves, fear of each other, we fear the planet, fear of the future, the past, the present, but most of all fear of letting go.

The awakening is not going to be an easy one, evolution is not a walk in the park as if it were what would we learn about ourselves? What would we learn about the world around us? It is how we handle the truth, when the truth comes out about everything, how are we going to respond once it is all out there? It is hard these days to let go of the pain, the anger, and the fear of a future that is uncertain. All life on this planet is being tested, spiritually, consciously, physically, and emotionally. It is important that we protect our spirits during this time of great change that is happening. There is nothing negative about these changes, if we remember that we are a part of that evolutionary change.


All suffering comes from attachments, we attach ourselves to everything, emotionally, and spiritually, without consciously being aware of it, and when something happens, we tend to become disillusioned, emotionally distraught, and so we quickly react to the emotion without thinking clearly and coherently. Letting go of  a life that no longer exists, letting go of a life that has never served the common good, letting go of yourself, and allowing the great spirit and mother earth to lead the way.

 Humanity has strayed long enough away from the connection to creator, that we forgot everything, the moment we strayed from our mother, suddenly, we are thrown into another reality, where greed and I and me only exist, and instead of we and us, which is a unity language we became separated from ourselves, and where we are today, trying to get a handle on what is happening. We all have our part to play in the downfall of humanity and the planet, now this is not blaming anyone or any part of history, but we do have our part to play. It is what we do now and how we change ourselves for the better or for the worse that is a choice we all must make as individuals.

So, with all this chaos that is happening what is the solution? I cannot answer that one, I can only answer that question for myself, letting go of this world and the destruction that follows, staying close to my mother and creator, letting go of everything and everyone, letting go of the past, but never forgetting the lessons, the mistakes, the achievements, the joy, and the pain. These things you cannot forget but utilize the knowledge and wisdom and pass it down to the next generation in a good way.


Letting go is a different type of energy, it sends out an energy that you are no longer going to engage yourself with the negatives of the world, you are no longer going to hold on to that grief, the anger, the confusion, the lies, etc. You are letting the universe know that you are ready to walk the path now, letting go takes time, it is not going to happen over night, but once you make this decision things will change quickly, every experience is different and not one is the same, but the letting go remains the same, holding on only leads to more suffering and despair.

 It takes courage, when you decide to let go of this life and begin your journey, that is something to be proud of too. It is not easy to do this because once you decide this, people come out of the woodworks to distract you, they seem to invade when you are not aware of it. Anything that changes the vibrations and frequencies you can guarantee that these other entities will be right there. There is nothing you can do about this part, the only thing you can do is stay focused on your journey, and continue to raise your vibration and frequencies, staying close to mother earth, staying close to the creator when these problems arise.

Once you decide to let go, and begin your journey, the bridge that you just crossed begins to burn away, therefore there is no going back once you start the process of letting go. This is a good thing although it is hard to watch the life you once lived go up in flames, but this is evolution, like our mother she cannot stay the same and go on as she was, and neither can we, we can go through the changes with her, or we can take the long road, and go through our destruction, which at the end will lead to our extinction.

When one door closes another one opens, that is the same phrase for letting go, never turn down an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth, no matter how hard or easy the experience may be, fear is the illusion that keeps you enslaved with your own mind, we create everything we want to experience, without the awareness of doing so. Letting go can provide internal peace, silent minds are good thinking minds, thinking clearly and coherently to make sure that we are aware of others, ourselves, and our energies.

 If we hang on to a world that has not been in our favor, the more suffering we are creating, but not just in our own lives but all lives as well, as we understand that everything is energy. Letting go also can lead to a lot of relationships to come to an end, this is okay, it just means that you are walking a different path, also you may find people that will not understand anything that is going on with you, from experience, trying to make these types of people to understand only leads to negativity and frustration. You will quickly realize that you will have no choice but to remove those people from your life.

From my own experience of letting go, I had to remove a lot of people from my life, friends, family members, just people in general that are distracting me from my purpose and mission. I understand as well that people will view me differently, but I am not living their lives and they are not living mine, I came to a point in my life, that once I removed those people, my life is more peaceful, less drama, I am focused and determined, I do not have people watching my every move, or try to change me, or control me. I am extremely careful of who I let into my life, as I am aware of my own energies and I have complete understanding of my own energies, I pay attention to my energies, and if anything seems to be off, I quickly remove the problem if it cannot be solved.

Eventually, new people entered my life, now these people are like minded, same but different energies but we understand one another, and respect one another’s space and time to heal or to just figure things out, these people I can spill my guts to without any problems, because I am not constantly trying to get them to understand me.

This is my own experience however, I am sure you may or may not have had similar experience, but what I can tell you is, that if you want to free yourself the mental slavery that we are living under, you simply cannot tolerate any other energy expect for the highest energy possible, the process of letting go, is letting everything go and give yourself time to heal, to find out who you are, to figure out what you want out of your life, time to think about what is the next step for you and how will you approach the opportunity of growth once it is presented to you.





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